Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nonconsequentialist Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nonconsequentialist Theories - Essay Example The essay "Nonconsequentialist Theories" talks about the Non Consequentialist theories that state that consequences should not find their way into our moral judgments. It means that actions are to be judged good or right in line with other criteria i.e. divine command or intuitions. They are categorized as; Act non-consequential theories and Rule non-consequentialist theories.Rule Non-Consequentialist theories are of the idea that blanket rules should be employed to govern the society since they will introduce a greater good. One of the major examples in Rule Non-Consequential theory is the divine command theory that claims that our only source of morality or moral authority is from a higher source, a spiritual deity like God. On the real world, an example is the adherers of the Catholic Church. Many of these followers base their moral values on what is written in the Bible. They believe whatever the scripture says or its interpretation by the church leaders to be moral. Two examples are the Catholic Church’s opposition to birth control and homosexuality. These stands would never be agreed upon by secular reasoning alone, it takes religion. Act Non-Consequentialist Theories are of the idea that we should not employ general or blanket rules but act on a case by case basis. The theory states that only individual acts and situations count morally. The theory is against generalization since every situation is different. They are based on emotions and intuitions to be able to come up with moral conclusions.

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